Writing of the Declaration of Independence: A Short History

Issued in July of 1776 the Declaration of Independence proclaimed the freedom and independence of the 13 British colonies in America from the mother country of Great Britain. This short book covers the events that prompted the writing of the Declaration of Independence, the men responsible for the document and their inspiration, its impact on the American public, and its legacy in history.

Do you want to learn about the Declaration of Independence but don’t have the time or patience to read a thick book?  Then this is the short and concise book for you! Some of the interesting topics covered in the book are:

  • Meeting of the First Continental Congress at Philadelphia in 1774 and how the delegates from the colonies delt with the Coercive Acts forced upon the American colonists by the British.
  • The impact of Thomas Paine’s “Common Sense” on the cry for independence of the American colonies from Great Britain.
  • The resolution introduced by the Virginia delegate Richard Henry Lee that called for “That these United Colonies are, and of right to be, free and independent States,…”
  • Drafting of the Declaration of Independence led by Thomas Jefferson and the Committee of Five.
  • The American public’s reaction to the Declaration of Independence when it was released in early July 1776.
  • Legacy of the Declaration, including the impact it had on the women’s rights movement and President Lincoln’s inspiration for emancipation of the slaves during the American Civil War.
  • And much more…

The book “Writing of the Declaration of Independence: A Short History” gives a crisp look at the history of the Declaration of Independence. To illustrate the story of this important document there are numerous pictures of the people, places, and events that help tell the story of this American icon. In addition, the book contains: a list of reference books for further reading, a timeline of the events surrounding the writing of the Declaration of Independence, and a section that contains short biographical sketches of the key individuals in the book.

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