The Astronomer Cecilia Payne-Gaposchkin - A Short Biography

By: Doug West

Cecilia Payne-Gaposchkin discovery that hydrogen is the most abundant element in the universe was a fundamental breakthrough. She was one of the early astronomers to combine the power of physics and chemistry in order to unlock the mysteries of the stars. Born in Victorian England she graduated from Cambridge University and came to America to study at Harvard College to study astronomy. During her four decades at Harvard, she would rise through the ranks, starting as a graduate student and becoming the first female full professor at the prestigious school.

Maybe you have never heard of Cecilia Payne-Gaposchkin ; if not, now is your chance to find out about the interesting woman that had a huge impact on the world of science and advanced the cause of women. ** Her discovery of hydrogen as the most abundant element in the universe was a fundamental breakthrough. ** Early astronomer who combined the power of physics and chemistry in order to unlock the mysteries of the stars. ** After graduation from Cambridge University, Cecilia Payne-Gaposchkin came to America to study at Harvard College Observatory under Harlow Shapley. ** She would rise through the ranks at Harvard becoming the first female full professor at the prestigious school. ** At the peak of her career, she was one of the world’s foremost experts on variable stars. A dedicated wife, mother, and world class scholar, Cecilia broke the glass ceiling in the academic world and opened the door for women to advance in many different fields. Spend some time with this distinguished astronomer and buy the book “The Astronomer Cecilia Payne-Gaposchkin – A Short Biography.”


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